Pressure Reducing Pads
superabsorbent dressing for highly exudating wounds
Superabsorbent adhesive dressing for highly exudating wounds
Soothing, debriding and moisture-balancing adhesive dressings with Pro-ionic® technology
Non-Adhesive Soothing, debriding and moisture-balancing dressings with Pro-ionic® technology
Super-absorbent foam with silicone Gentle adhesive Dressing
Tri valent silver dressing , Non adhesive
Super-absorbent gelling natural-fibre dressings
Address: Prince Mamdouh Bin Abdul Aziz Street . AL Safwa Centre - Gate 4 Office 4113
المستشفي الوطني
مركز سعود البابطين لطب وجراحة القلب
مستشفي الملك فيصل التخصصي ومركز الابحاث
جامعة الملك سعود
وزارة الصحة